Dr Ben Warlow is a young Australian Doctor who has a desire to help the poor in Northern Uganda.
In his own words, he has a white skin, but a black Acholi heart.He feels a strong connection to the community here.
Three years ago he came to Kitgum Uganda and the relationships and friendships he formed here have left a lasting impression and a desire to return.
Ben is working to collect information on the use of pain relief in resource poor settings, particularly for procedures like fracture reductions, burns and wound dressings.
He has made connections with health workers in Yotkom, the Bregma clinic, Givernment Hospital and St Joseph's Hospital. He is observing procedures and noting effectiveness and side effects of various approaches as well as considering cost issues.
At the end of his four weeks here, he will be making recommendations to Yotkom for implementing best practices in our new medical centre due to open in October.
We trust these clinical guidelines will assist our doctors and nurses to provide appropriate pain relief for the patients attending our clinic.
Thanks Ben for your sacrifice and commitment to be here.
You have earnt your local nickname of "Oteka" : The great one !
And you are also a friend. (Omera) to many !
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