"Oh susanna " ! A song i had never heard in church before but definitely upbeat and joyful !
Later in the service I had an opportunity to share as it was my last time in Church here for a while.
I felt prompted to share the story of my father's orphan beginnings and how despite this, he had made a decision to follow Christ as a teenager and how that had been lifechanging for him and also had produced an amazing heritage and had resulted in me being in Kitgum. I think people really appreciated me sharing a real story which was part of my life. Even Irene was surprised and somewhat intrigued to learn that I had a wayward American soldier in my past, much like her. According to her this is where we get our entrepeneurial spirit ! Just before I shared, John Paul had read out a passage from Psalm 112: 1-3 which fitted in perfectly:
"Blessed is the man who fears the Lord,
who finds great delight in his commands.
His children will be mighty in the land:
the generation of the upright will be blessed"
My own father's story was an example of how following Gods ways , being faithful and pursuing His kingdom can bring blessing to the generations following. I thank God that my dad made that decision 80 years ago because it has meant I can be a part of what God is doing here in Kitgum .
After Church a group of us went to the local fast food outlet called "Acholi Pride" where a smorgasbord of local food is available in hot trays! eg Goats meat, Beef hoofs (tender tendons), maize porridge , rice etc
Enjoying fast food sunday lunch at "Acholi Pride" |
Irene just loves shopping for clothes and shoes...NOT! |
Then Irene went shopping for second hand shoes to wear at the big upcoming celebrity wedding of Uganda Pop Idol George in Kampala this Friday. She really knows how to "live simply tthat others may simply live "
Vincent and I then met up with Kenneth and his fiance , Harriet for a soda......Andrew with Kenneth and Harriet |
Vincent and sister Nightie |
and then took a boda (motorcycle) to visit Vincent's sister , Nighty, in the village where she lives with her five children. She basically raised Vincent after his parents and some of his siblings were murdered by the LRA.
Now as I write this, Vincent is strumming on a guitar in my room here and its gettting dark outside, the mozzies have come out and we are listening to the children in the dorm opposite get their meal and wash. Tonight we have bananas and pineapple for tea
We are preparing for a busy three days before i leave for Kampala on Thursday AM
Our medical team will be together for the first time tomorrow morning. After interviewing Peter on Saturday we decided he was the man to take on the role of Clinical Officer here and we have also employed Joel, a Lab assistant who will travel to Kampala with us and help us purchase the necessary reagants and tests we need to set up a basic Laboratory. I have given Irene and JP (Administrator) a written document with my vision for the health services here and they are digesting that, so please pray we have a unity of purpose and direction . Tomorrow night the key leaders of the health team will be going out for a meal with JP and Irene .
During the day tomorrow we also expect to try and get close to completing the fit out of the OPD building. Thanks for your continuing support and prayer. It has been a great time here !