It was raining heavily here this morning so we couldnt walk down to the AIDs Hospice . Rowena and I spent some time in childrens dispensary checking out their systems and talking to Jane who is the nurse assistant attending the 4000 children at the school. Andrew R managed to negotiate the mud and rain and make it to the work site where 50 students were enthusiastically hammering nails and placing walls in the clinic building. At times he looked around to find he was the only one supervising the boys as the teachers were away doing other stuff. (busy !) The background noise plus the language barrier did not make it easy to respond to their enquiries! Meanwhile AW and Rowena were having a cup of coffee in the guesthouse and skyping home waiting for the rain to stop ! We were also working on a software program from Australia we could possibly use in the clinic to assist with recording of notes and getting demographic and research information in the future. We eventually made it down to the clinic and were able to review some patients and pray for them.
Teaching from Christian Wholeness Framework |
AW was able to convene an in service training session with the medical team here and centred discussion on one of the patients in the Hospice encouraging a wholistic approach to care and utilising the framework of christian counselling developed by Dr John Warlow in Australia. It was very well received and provoked some questions and feedback . Then Andrew asked those present to share their vision for the medical work in Kitgum and it was really encouraging to hear the Africans speak out some really worthwhile dreams and visions for what we could do here. They then opened up about some of their frustrations and difficulties and the obstacles they saw to progress and growth and this was very enlightening. Next week will be critical as we meet with Irene and JP the administrator here to look at ways the medical work here can expand ,being mindful of the unique needs of an effective medical ministry and the financial constraints upon us. Please pray particularly about this process in the coming days which is very important.
Tonight we walked up the hill to the radio station and started a nightly talk back session on medical issues. The topic was on pregnancy and we had lots of calls. Even AR was able to share hhis reflections on what its like to be a pregnant woman ! Pray that these radio broadcasts to about 2 million people will be very effective.
stood yesterday.. walked with frame today! |
CKS accountant thinks he can be a Dr |