ON Friday 30th September Andrew will be leaving Brisbane to return to Kitgum and work with the medical team at Childcare.
The new clinic, Lubanga Cango Clinic (LCC) means "God Heals Clinic" is established and functioning well.
In August , 200 outpatients were seen by the team.
Most of these patients were either schoolchildren from the primary school or the families or staff members working on site at Childcare Kitgum. We are now working toward opening up the facilities for the local community to access.
Andrew has been connecting weekly with the LCC team by Skype and this has been great. Lots of emails have also been passing back and forward. Modern technology is a great blessing in many ways!
The medical team at the primary health clinic is headed up by Peter Omara, a Ugandan trained clinical officer. He has been working along side Vincent , a medical student on leave from studies, who has now returned to start his second year of Medicine. Comprehensive Nurses, Benson and Fransisco are assisting and Joel is the laboratory technician , performing tests to allow more accurate diagnosis.
The medical practice has had a small computer network set up to assist with record keeping, research and quality control. A software program used by GPs in Australia has been donated and successfully installed.
A donor in Brisbane has donated $1500 for the purchase of a vaccination fridge which is very exciting.
Andrew will be on site for 2 weeks, working alongside the team and seeking to encourage them and help them as they further establish the practice. Dr Laurel Coleman will also be joining us from the USA.
Please pray for our time to be fruitful and effective and for us to know where to give most attention.
Also for safe travelling. It is about 20 hours in the air from Brisbane, and then a rather gruelling 8 hour bus trip from Kampala to Kitgum ahead. I will be posting blogs along the way !
Yotkom Uganda is registered in Australia with the Australian Charities and Non for Profits Commission. Yotkom is an acholi word meaning "health". This web site is designed to provide information on the health needs of the acholi community of Kitgum, Northern Uganda. It is also an opportunity to share about the people working as health professionals there and the projects which are being undertaken in the Kitgum community in an effort to improve the quality and availability of health care .
Kitgum Town
Kitgum Town