Its 6pm and the end of the day. Ive just had a wash and cold shower (not enough sun to heat up my black camping shower today)
Am feeling that i has been so right for me to return here at this time.
The project is at a critical phase and needs to be pushed forward.
We had a medical meeting today with the administration. It was a long discussion and stressful but some good outcomes i believe.
As well as improving the pharmacy and dispensary set up , we are now planning to promote the clinic to the community . The radio broadcasts on Mighty Fire FM will be one avenue for this. A new regular health promotion program on the radio is to be named "Mighty Doctor " ! We will be kick starting it this week.
Tomorrow, Peter and I will be meeting with the Government District Health Officer to talk about our involvement in Govt and WHO programs for vaccination and delivery of essential medicines. We are praying that some assistance will be available to us to provide better health services at an affordable cost to the communiity. It is evident that the power supply here is not so great so we have decided to purchase a two way fridge with LPG gas back up to maintain the vaccinations in the event of inevitable power outages. This is likley to be delivered tomorrow from Kampala. We will be doing some teaching on vvaccinations and cold chains tomorrow to the team . The fridge will also allow us to store test kits for typhoid and brucellosis and other conditions here as well as possibly rabies treatment. There have been a considerable number of rabies cases in the rural communiities around here. One child died a few days ago and unfortunately there is no supply of antidote in Uganda.
My presence here is a major catalyst to change and progress. Unfortunately many of the projects we left partly completed have not been finished off and need a muzungu (white person) of influence to railroad through. One example is the incinerator which 3mths later has not had the metal pipe and cap placed on the top so has not yet been operational ! So frustrating, but evidence of one of the main reasons I am here.
There are other examples which today with a few visits to the builders I have been able to get action on.
I am really enjoying working with the cliinical officer and have an increased confidence in him.
I am just being called to go too Pastor Alfreds for dinner so will finish this later. More updates tomorrow . Please remember our meeting with the DHO tomorrow!
Yotkom Uganda is registered in Australia with the Australian Charities and Non for Profits Commission. Yotkom is an acholi word meaning "health". This web site is designed to provide information on the health needs of the acholi community of Kitgum, Northern Uganda. It is also an opportunity to share about the people working as health professionals there and the projects which are being undertaken in the Kitgum community in an effort to improve the quality and availability of health care .
Go mighty doc and catalyse them!!!!